Hello AE Community, My husband and I are parents to a 25 year old son, our first born of 4 and the only one diagnosed with autism. I’ll try to make this concise: He needs to complete 4 credits to get a degree. The school has given him until December. If we offered to motivate him with money to do the missing work, would that be helpful or damaging? Backstory: he worked while on campus (he’s home now) and had some money, which he spent on animals. He’s now run out of money, but still needs to buy supplies for his animals. We are thinking of trying to motivate him to finish the classes sooner rather than waiting til the deadline. So say, we’ll give you $XXX if you finish within 3 weeks. I’m not sure if that will cause more pressure or be motivating. He doesn't know or doesn't say what he plans to do next. Thank you!

Posted by maria_flavin at 2022-10-23 15:26:25 UTC