Hello ๐Ÿ‘‹ I'm an Autistic woman with ADHD. I was diagnosed three years ago at the age of 33. I have two Autistic sons, ages 5 and 7. We suspect our oldest also has OCD or ADHD. Our youngest may have speech apraxia. I've been in burnout for a couple of months now. I'm having daily meltdowns. I'm completely overwhelmed and overstimulated. Let me edit this to say, my little guys are so amazing. I love them to pieces. Prior to becoming a mother, I could easily remove myself from sensory aversions, etc. Now, as a mother, I'm in sensory overload all the time. I can't always walk away, and I need to remain calm. It doesn't help that I'm a high anxiety person, with a very busy mind (mostly to do lists that I'm too mentally exhausted to follow through with) I'd love any advice or tips on how to remain calm when I'm constantly feeling triggered.

Posted by Ashley at 2022-03-10 20:58:17 UTC