Hi everyone! Looking for some advice. My 24-year-old son has been struggling since August, however, he went ahead and signed up for 2 online classes this semester at our university. He got COVID shortly after the start of the semester and didn't do any work nor reached out to the instructors while sick for two weeks. I discovered this and helped him write an email to both instructors and they let him catch up on the work. It took considerable effort but he did it and was all caught up. Last Sunday, we sat down together and planned out his week's workload so that he had one module to complete every day and would be able to take a break on Saturday and have all his work completed by the due date of Sunday evening. Every day I have asked him how it was going and if he needed any help and his reply was always the same - I'm working on it - which I know is code for he hasn't done anything so far. I have access to his account and saw this evening that he has completed just one out of the six modules in total due by Sunday. That means he will need to complete five modules over Saturday and Sunday to submit the work by the due date. I'm so frustrated and don't understand why he has delayed working on schoolwork all week long. I work full time so I can not be monitoring him throughout every day. I'm not sure what to do here. He can do the work. He's getting good grades on what he has turned in. He just keeps procrastinating and then has a tremendous amount of work to complete in a short period of time which stresses him out. Do we consider withdrawing from classes, and losing out on the money paid? Do we encourage him to keep going? The last day to drop classes is Oct. 30 so we need to make a decision soon. Thanks in advance for all your support and advice!

Posted by BGabe at 2022-10-08 04:01:55 UTC