Hi. I’m having a really difficult time with my 22 year old son. His father died last year and it has destroyed a very precarious situation. He is in severe defence mode. Hygiene, leaving his room, playing video games. Now he has developed symptoms of ulcer but won’t change diet, take his medication. He gets a sore throat and avoids university ( in computer science engineering) for a week. Since sept 6 has only attended 3 days. Already missing assignments. He is brilliant and wants to be an engineer but present university doing minimal accommodations. I am so overwhelmed. Reading the stories is exhausting. So many kids and parents suffering through this. He has only online friends. His 17 year old sister (bullied by him in past) has no patience with him and doesn’t want to help me with him. I’m not working so that I can help him but we seem to just be worsening.

Posted by plj at 2022-09-29 14:51:57 UTC