Hi. Im a single mom. We are in Ohio. My son is almost 13, 7th gr and dx as on the spectrum and ADHD and prior dx of ODD. We are in the beginning of the new school yr and he has been in bed asleep more than he's been in school. I cant wake him. I try my hardest! Threats, taking electronics away--u name it Im either doing it or Ive done it! It hurts. Im so frustrated and exhausted! I live with a chronic illness too so that definitely adds to my exhaustion. My son has been this way since he was 4 and its only gotten worst. He was approved for the highest tier in OhioRise. Waiting to hear from his care coordinator. I dont know what else to do or where to turn to. Im at my wits end... Ive tried meds and Ive since stopped giving them to him. Its as if Im in a dark hole blindfolded and just feeling my way through and not getting anywhere! Going round n round in circles... He doesnt have an IEP or 504. School has fought me on that. I just dont know! Daily hygiene is also a huge issue for him and he fights me on that too. Im tryin to get AVA Therapy started for him but told its on hold til they have enough kiddos. Ive reached out to another provider. Omg! Its never ending... Im exhausted and still not seeing any progress!

Posted by Reeseyboo at 2022-09-25 18:58:41 UTC