Hello Danny and everyone, I have a 19 yr old son who is deep in defense mode, having experienced stresses of bullying and first year college deadlines.. never diagnosed as kid until 17, becz of sensory processing issues which he masks and uses headphones for stress relief music /cuts out extra noise. He has been VERY consistent since age 7 with the same symptoms: a “rage” response running background in his head like HULK taking over him until he tenses up so much that exhaustion follows. He enters his room and never acts out or bothers anyone, he is exceptionally kind and NEVeR has acted out at all. SPD and sleep issues with feelings of exhaustion all day, sleep never fully restores. And this background rage response that is steady on always and rises to overwhelm w emotional context of people upset or frustrated around him. It’s very difficult for him to see people’s feelings hurt or arguing. Is this a symptom you have heard of? Anyone out there? Maybe misophonia but that is usually just on and off symptoms not always running .. could this be a AE symptom. Likes video gaming and very bright. Can use help for right support for him. He is great person and haven’t found another w same symptom.. Thank you

Posted by atgg2g at 2022-09-25 18:50:33 UTC