My son will be 15 in October. Of course, he enjoys playing video games online. As of late, he doesn't want us to know his passwords or monitor his interactions with other players in the chats or on his phone. Not too long ago my husband was updating his computer and noticed (he was snooping to be honest) a thread in his STEAM chat room with someone that was very inappropriate. My husband said this person was definitely preying on our son. My husband locked it down and reported this person to the FBI (they have done nothing btw, this user is still on). My husband did not put our son into trouble or anything and reassured him he did nothing wrong and it was not his fault. Our son was super embarrassed. He was also upset with us and feels like we are invading his privacy. We have tried to explain to him that we need to monitor so we can keep him safe from predators. He says he gets it, but still does not want us to know his passwords or monitor. But, we still read texts messages (without his knowledge 😬) He shares with his friends how much he hates his dad because he is very strict when it comes to gaming. Of course, my husband is devastated our son feels this way. But, at same time we get that he is a teen and wants to vent to his friends. How has everyone else managed this? We want to trust him but past experience shows us we need to still monitor. But, we do want to give him some privacy.....

Posted by pennybercot at 2022-09-23 23:39:06 UTC