Hello!! I’m a mother of a 17yr old Aspergers child and are struggling with punishment that will truly make an impact. Taking electronics and chores does nothing. He becomes fine with the result of whatever the consequence is. He dates a girl who is also on the spectrum. Both are obsessed with Anime Sex. They did the unthinkable this last week at school and had sex for the first time in the boys bathroom after school and was caught by the janitor. We all met with the principal and she suspended them Friday, and we have to meet tomorrow morning about punishment. But what do you do when it won’t affect him? How do I make him realize the legalities of this and how much more would have happened if school was in session. I’m truly at a loss and I have. No idea what to tell her tomorrow. DEAP is a recommendation, but for someone that craves to be alone, It will mentally be a vacation. If we chose ISS, It would be detrimental to him mentally. So I’m stuck. 😭😭😭😭. Has anyone else dealt with this?. HELP!!!

Posted by haylihenry15 at 2022-09-18 20:42:37 UTC