I have a 23 year old son who still lives at home. He has worked full-time and now works part-time and goes to school. He's an amazing worker but sometimes struggles with the HR things. School is not really for him although he is adamant about going. I'm not sure why as he just isn't motivated to actually learn, it's more like he thinks it's what's expected. We have had lots of conversations about other options, trades.... he listens but just hasn't found his niche yet. He is self-sufficient, goes to work on time, works hard, is social at work. But his social life outside of work is non-existent. He's never had a date. How do I get him to the next step? Social interactions, dating, finding what interests him for his future so that he can move out and do all the things we want for our kids to be able to do? He struggled all through high school, we had him tested so many times. He never fit into a neat little box. After some reading, he is definitely on the spectrum and I would say positively that he has Aspergers. He checks almost all the boxes. He loves sports, talks sports nonstop and loves video games. He will do other things when invited, golf, hikes, etc...

Posted by triciadent at 2022-09-13 15:35:24 UTC