Introducing myself: Hi! I have two young adult children whom we homeschooled. My firstborn 22yo girl is obviously on the spectrum though never officially diagnosed. I also have 2 nephews, each in different families, on the spectrum. One is a teen, the other only 3. Their diagnoses is what made me aware of my own daughter's situation. We are navigating college now. Super scary! She is "behind" because of COVID delays and a bad experience at her first school (failed class and behavior issue.) Now she's back on track at the local Jr College, only part-time (3 classes) while also working very pt. I am so thrilled to see her thriving! BUT.. her latest issue, as I perceive it, is that she takes way too darn long on her math tests, resulting in a poor grade well below her ability. She is, of course, stressed out about it. Any tips or advice for this is welcome! Thank you! 😊

Posted by SuzyT at 2022-09-10 16:45:43 UTC