Hi, I recently discovered this site & app and it has been so helpful. My son is 29 and was living on his own and not doing well. He came for a visit last year and we both decided he should stay. It was really difficult initially because so many of his needs had been neglected. He was basically living in poverty and bent on destroying himself. Since being in a new environment he has gone from 5 meds down to 2, lost 40 lbs, is exercising, sleeping and eating so much better. Tomorrow he starts receiving supportive services. Every change is difficult, but we keep taking baby steps. I am so thankful to have him here and know that he is safe and cared for. Yes, it is stressful too, but not the same stress and worry I constantly had when he was on his own. I’m hopeful that at some point in the future he will want more..volunteer, schooling, a job, his own place. But he’s not ready yet, and that’s ok. I am trying to help empower him because I want him to be happy and thriving. I’d love to connect with other mom’s in similar situations. Don’t give up hope, change is possible. ❤️

Posted by Cpatt at 2022-08-21 21:58:46 UTC