This time of year hits me so hard. Seeing all my FB posts of sending kids to college and knowing my son is still at home is a different type of grief i never expected. His 1st year of community college was an epic failure. So he's retaking 1-2 classes a semester to see if that works for his ADD and Autism. I was so excited when he graduated HS (he didn't get his diagnosis until he was 18) I thought my honor student could handle college. Boy, was I wrong. We do have additional steps and help put into place that we've worked on all summer to help him succeed this semester. But I'm still very sad. I wanted him to be able to go out on his own and move he wants to. And what's worse is he knows he's not meeting those typical milestones and it makes him feel worse, even though we are still encouraging him to shoot for the stars. It's just going to be a different path than any of us expected.

Posted by gretta.albrecht at 2022-08-16 01:25:03 UTC