We are "Johnny come lately" with asperger awareness. My daughter is actually 30, and self-diagnosed, It all seems to fit. She is high functioning. A leader in most settings. Functions well as the leader, but on an individual level does not have many close friends. She is the drama director at her church and writes and directs drama productions. Teaches voice and piano on the side. But still struggles socially. I just watched the funnel clip yesterday. It makes sense. My daughter is an adult in her own right. (Owns her own home, car, cats, etc. ) Now that I know, how can I fit into this healing journey? I forgot to mention "defense mode", for her. It really all makes sense. I get it now. She gets it, and wants to do the work. That first step of calming life down is so necessary.

Posted by worldvision1003 at 2022-08-09 16:25:39 UTC