Are there any resources for people on the spectrum to learn how to understand and communicate well with neurotypicals? My son just abandoned a job, that he held at WinCo for 6 years, in large part because he had a misunderstanding/miscommunication with another coworker and that coworker now thinks he was trying to financially exploit someone. My son has been so traumatized by this he couldn’t stand being at work when that person was there and now has quit his job because of it. He complains that he frequently misunderstands what people mean and feels foolish. He even complained that sometimes his counselor will go off telling him something and he isn’t understanding her at all and just sits there like a deer in the headlights nodding his head stupidly because he feels dumb saying he doesn’t understand what she’s trying to convey. Sometimes when he thinks he understands what the other person is saying and responds with what he understood, he comes off looking dumb because it wasn’t what they meant. He feels like everyone else speaks a different language. Please point me to resources that might help.
Posted by mooseiddings at 2024-09-16 04:18:48 UTC