Has anyone tried ABA therapy for their kids? I’ve heard mix things about ABA. I also heard that it works for younger kids. My son is 16. And he is very intellectual and smart. It’s only been about 8 months since we figured out he’s on the spectrum, mostly socially and mentally. His academic and intellectual points were above his age. He is so much in the defensive mode just about everything. He’s not willing to make any slight and easy changes ever. We’ve been working with a therapist who is specialized in neurodivergent adolescent since February, but I feel like my son is so stuck and nothing has been helping. His OCD is bad, he doesn’t sleep in his room, takes forever showers, washes hands even after touching his face. I have to hide soap, dish soap, anything chemical because he uses anything he can get his hands on. His eating is terrible. He would go without food for hours especially when I’m not home he won’t eat. He also refuse to eat most of the cooked meal I make. And I know it’s not because he doesn’t like it- it’s just for him it’s a habit of “ I’m not eating that” - and I’m so sick and tired of it. His therapist says don’t force things, try to be patient and what not but these habits are so unhealthy and I know it’s not because he can’t eat certain food, it’s because he just doesn’t want to. I feel like nothing is helping, nothing is making a change. And I’m exhausted mentally. He is not motivated to do anything. After school he comes home and sits in a corner of a room being on his phone. Texting his friend or playing a game. For hours. No motivation of doing anything. I had taken away the phone before, we had set limits- that didn’t help with anything. He still would just do nothing, ended up being in my face every minute asking what he should be doing. He’s not willing to do anything that’s hard. Even with eating- he knows it helps him when he eats good, still not willing to make a change or put an effort in.

Posted by beatrix78 at 2024-08-21 19:23:41 UTC