Hello! I am a 17 year old Wiccan with Asperger’s Syndrome and let me just say; I am not a typical boy. For one even though I am unmarried and childless. I still worry about women’s struggles throughout pregnancy and childbirth. I don’t have that special someone in my life, nor am I expecting a child as I have stated before. I am an empath and I willingly absorb other people’s pain to relieve their burdens. I am distraught because I cannot take that pain myself being a boy. Many other males (especially those my age) are overjoyed that they don’t have to go through that pain and many people, even females don’t really seem to understand my feelings. I also feel like my body, brain, and spirit are preparing me to have a child even though there is no way that a child could possibly come into my life right now. Are there any girls, mothers, even fathers who can help me by sharing their experiences? I also have severe trauma from being bullied by a girl who frequently said that all men are inherently evil despite trying my best to be her friend. I’m not evil and I love women. I just wish that I could move on from the abuse I suffered. Are there any girls and women who love men and don’t think we are all evil?

Posted by Ethan Wills at 2024-07-31 21:22:42 UTC