Hi there. I’m new and have 2 aspie teenagers 14 and 15, recently diagnosed and a 10yr NT. My daughter (14) has sensory sensitivity, has no friends and is lovely and often sad. She can’t talk about how she feels without going into defence mode and pushing me away but we have a good relationship. Our son (15) is often in defence mode during school term (I’m on the course 😊) but less so in the holidays but he can be very insensitive to his siblings which triggers all sorts of issues with them. I know they need extra support from other agencies but they won’t engage. My husband works 80 hours a week. I’ve given up my part time job to support the kids (I’m a doctor so that was a big deal). Any suggestions on how to engage a teenage aspie in self acceptance and support services would be really helpful? I think the issues are trust, new unfamiliar person and intolerance to discuss feelings. Thank you for your help.

Posted by Minoukins at 2022-07-17 10:15:29 UTC