Just introducing myself. I highly suspect that I have Asperger's, but it was misdiagnosed all my life. My son has been diagnosed, and he is now 14. He's going into high school soon, and I just don't know if I'm doing enough for him. He spends most of his time in his room on devices. I encourage him to come out. I set chores for him, ask him to help with his youngest sister who is little, and ask him to spend time with his 12-year-old sister, who is going through a lot of trauma with concurrent surgeries and bullying, etc. He will comply, but as soon as he gets done, he goes right back to his room. He makes good grades, he's a good person, he's funny. I just don't know if I'm firm enough with him....am I too lackadaisical because he's my little prince AND I know how he struggles in his life? Do I allow him to hide because of my own life struggles, i.e. raising a young child, raising a preteen with significant difficulties that affect our entire lives (our mental health, marriage, family in general.) My main goal is not to change him but make sure that I as his mother give him every opportunity to have in order to succeed in whichever way he aspires to. If I don't afford him that opportunity, I'll feel as if I failed him. I don't know. It's all very hard. He's a good boy and I love him beyond all measure. But I don't want to make his life so easy that he doesn't have the chance to do the things he wants to do. I feel that in the wake of certain traumas, my own parents sort of bowed out and didn't provide the support I needed to succeed. Then I latched onto my future husband due to feeling like I had no foundation. If you've read all this, you're a trooper! Lol.

Posted by kpjones85 at 2024-07-06 22:55:06 UTC