My 17 year old son received an autism diagnosis this past December. The diagnosis makes a lot of sense for him and he's learning a lot about himself. He doesn't talk with us much or share with us except he likes to message me on google chats which I'm super grateful for. He is very focused on video games, one in particular, and the thing I can't figure out his he sounds so angry when he plays it. Slams on the computer desk in frustration. Swears at himself for being "so *bleeping* stupid" to have messed something up. We've limited his time on the game to 2.5 hours a day (the computer monitors this and shuts it down when that time is met) as he was otherwise spending countless time on it and just escalated in rage and not able to take breaks from it until...well I'm not really sure what would inspire him to. As his mom, I really don't know how to help him with this. I don't want to take away his games as he has developed a bit of a social community which although I don't understand, I feel is positive. But what is the right approach when he's yelling about how stupid he is and slamming at the desk and has broken a keyboard. He did just start a part time job which I'm SUPER PROUD of him for trying something like new! He 3 days into the job (3 hours a day) and is feeling optimistic and accomplished, which is very great to see.

Posted by TerriLynn at 2024-06-28 04:32:22 UTC