Well, I "officially" graduated. I say "officially" because even my diploma says "on this fifteenth of December 2023." I just didn't have a formal graduation since nobody really graduates in the middle of the year in high school. I was forced to go to both my college graduation and my high school. I was looking forward to high school more but honestly it was just to debut my cap lol. "So Long" then dum-dum wrappers (So Long Dum Dums). I hated everyone there. I also put Romans 6:23 on the bottom half of the cap because honestly my whole high school are (no offense meaning, it is just the truth) as dumb as a box of rocks. Our valedictorian of a class of less than 100 cheated his way through school and nobody cared. I wittnessed him several times, along with others, and he admitted it. There are also tons of drugs and other criminal activities at my school (which is on a college campus so that's a whole 'nother level of criminal). My mom was stressed pretty much the whole day at both graduations. I now have dance dress rehearsal tomorrow from 9am-9pm with a 2-3ish hour break for lunch/dinner. I know for a fact she will be stressed, and she isn't even allowed back stage. I don't even have my costumes yet that my dance teacher promised I would have in time (long story, look at previous post). Then, recital is Saturday and I know she will be more stressed. However, again, she can not be backstage due to limited space. She just yelled at me for me getting frustrated that she wouldn't give me the right towel (she insistsed on getting it and she had to wash my face of my makeup because I don't have the strength and am allergic to most makeup removers so I have to spend a good 30 minutes just using my weak face wash and water, so she just does it). Admittedly, I did raise my voice a tiny bit, but to be fair she has been getting mad and yelling at me all day, and that was my last straw. She took her anger out on me for the hair stylist being late 30 minutes, even though it wasn't my fault. I am totally stressed as she is making me stressed about HER being stressed. If you are wondering, graduation was stupid. That's all you need to know. 1 hour of pretty much nothing. I was the second one of the history of the school to get two associate degrees (typical of one and I got 80 credits, the most of everyone). My mom asked if I got anything special and they said "Oh, it is common to get two. Nothing special is done." Stupid lying..... UGH.... It's not common in fact it is commonly discouraged by the staff. I had to preach for 1-2 hours a time, multiple times, just to be allowed to, and I didn't have to take any extra classes because I was so ahead. I was only like the fourth or fifth to graduate early, and nothing for that, not even "Oh and this person graduated in December instead of May." It's fine though, it's a stupid place anyways. The assistant principal was saying "Congratulations" in a low voice to everyone else crossing the stage, but to me while he was shaking my hand he says, in a louder voice, "It's finally over Annoymous1 (my real name of course), congratulations, it's official." He is the one that openly admitted to me, that the principal is corrupt and he was trying to find a way out of his contract early because he hates the school. Anyways, I'm officially done. Going to college now. Stressed for this weekend.... P.S. If you want to know what Romans 6:23 is: ‭Romans 6:23 NIV‬ [23] For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. I kinda felt most of the kids needed to hear that, given the tracks some are on....

Posted by Annoymous1 at 2024-05-31 02:55:11 UTC