I just got done with my collegw orientation. I registered the moment they opened the website (they opened it late) and put in all of my accomodations (no stairs, allowing to step out due to loud noises, and dietary restrictions). I called them and let them know my dietary restrictions (CSID - congenital sucrase isolmaltase deficiency) and referred them to a website after explaining all that entails. Today at orientation, I was forced to do stairs (eventually I walked off and just went to the elevator on my own), not given a lunch (required because we pay $250 to attend and this includes lunch since the time is 7am-5:30pm (I got out a little earlier because I did advising before that). For lunch they literally gave me some spinach (which I can not have) and about the equivalent of one chicken nugget that I ended up eating and got super sick from (that is why they didn't make me stay during advising even though I already completed it, they still make you stay). They would not allow me to go into the other room and gave me a massive mygraine due to the screaming and loud speaker. They offered to turn down the microphones but they never did. I was on the opposite side of the room from the speakers but could still feel the bass so badly it was hurting. If you have ever gotten stopped at a light or stop sign next to someone blasting their music it was like that, with a concert, and 10x that volume. It was so loud that I went to throw up as soon as I got home. They didn't even have my ID card when they were supposed to and were going to make me walk a mile (also something I told them - can't walk long distances). My mom says I shouldn't call them but I feel like I need to call the orientation office and let them know they made me extremely sick and ask for a refund. I also want to say I am going to file an ADA violation complaint to the state DOJ. (Not actually report but threaten so they actually accomodate others who list their accomodations). The director is the one who pulled me back into the room after about 15 minutes of arguing with him that he was going to make me in greater pain and have a meltdown/shutdown. My mom says this could make me a target but orientation was already really stupid and something that literally gave me no information. I am going in as a Junior but have to go through Freshman steps and registration holds since all of my college credits were done at a high school. I've already registered for classes and can not use any freshman resources since I am still technically classified as a junior, in terms of credits. What should I do? I am actually in so much pain I am debating on staying home for rehearsal in 2 hours because of how much pain they left me in. I am also starving but can't eat because my body won't stop throwing up....

Posted by Annoymous1 at 2024-05-28 19:55:14 UTC