Hi. Pretty new to this. I appreciate the videos and the stories. It's refreshing to hear from others with such similar experiences. I just finished listening to the audiobook about motivation. I found it enlightening, but I realize I'm going to have to change my personality in order to better accommodate my son's Asperger's. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed, like I have to re learn to walk. I work as a nurse and my husband works in the transportation industry so he's gone a lot and doesn't have a set schedule, so I'm basically all my son has as far as support goes. We just started seeing a psychiatrist and he's in counseling, but no one is labeling him Asperger's or even going as far to say ASD. They're only saying he has severe ADD, which doesn't really seem to fit him imo, multiple phobias, and sensory "issues". He's on Ritalin, but we haven't noticed any difference. I was able to get him a 504 plan for school, but it's really vague and doesn't seem helpful. All of this to say, after trying some standard approaches, Im feeling more and more like what he really needs is a change in environment and someone who understands him well to be his life coach, basically. Which I can't think of anyone else but me. However, the amount of time and patience he needs from me would mean me not having a rigid schedule or working outside of the home. Have any of you had success as parents in quitting your job and changing your entire parenting approach? What do you do for money? Respite?
Posted by trindawolfe at 2024-05-16 17:47:06 UTC