I am the mom of a 21 year old daughter who I suspect has Asperger's. She barely graduated high school and flunked out of college. She doesn't follow through with tasks. She starts them, stops, starts something else and never gets anything done. She hates hearing me chew food, can't have music too high and is very sensitive. She isolated herself, has only 1 friend and has no desire for more. She was diagnosed with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis when she was 9. And struggles with PTSD from her experiences in the hospital. She was in GATE classes in elementary and middle school, but couldn't handle AP courses in high school. She needs to get a job, but hasn't in 6 months. Would it be beneficial to have her tested for Autism? Is there even a test?

Posted by schmidtpile at 2024-04-30 23:47:04 UTC