Update (update to this post at the end of this post too): I posted previously about some DISGUSTING "friends" coming over. Turns out, they got me sick, exactly what I expected. They reached out last week asking how we were doing, we said fine because at that time we were fine. I tested positive for strep today after going to the doctor. We told them that I tested postive and they may want to get tested. Their response? "Oh I'm sorry. I was going to tell you. (Insert teen's name here) is sick. She tested negative for flu and covid so she went on antibiotics and we figured it wasn't contaigous." IT TURNS OUT THEY CAME SICK! KNOWING FULL WELL I HAVE AN IMMUNE DEFICIENCY AND HAD SURGERY THE WEEK BEFORE, DROPPING MY LEVELS FARTHER. They are absolutely stupid. They knew they were contagious because now they are admitting that they probably gave me strep. They gave me a fungal nail infection (again despite me using socks all around the house....) and gave my dog a bacterial nail infection. How are people so inconsdierate? I am fully convinced they used us to come see the eclipse and knew they were sick so that is why they didn't wear masks or get showers. Now I am sick, and have to be watched carefully due to my immune deficiency to make sure I don't need to go to the hospital/ER. So much money down the hatch, even after our vehicle got towed BECAUSE OF THEM! We have spent now close to $1k due to repercussions of their actions, and more when they were in town on THEM not wanting to eat the food WE ASKED them to tell us what they wanted and WE GOT. We then had to go to restaurants and spend MORE MONEY on THEM. Update to this post: Now it is apparentally "rude" for me to text the teen and tell them that I am sick (just to see what their response is)? Yet it isn't for them to come, knowing they are sick and knowing that they WILL get me sick if they come. No ifs, they WILL get me sick. My immune levels dropped by 100 units (to be considered deficient is 500 units and below, I was considered deficient. So 100 units is a HUGE and SIGNIFICANT drop, even if I was at 500 units, which I was below, 100 units would be 1/5 of a drop from 500 units, meaning that would be an even higher percentage since I was below 500) before surgery, and then I had surgery, meaning it would've dropped more. What the heck are these social standards and WHY are these things rude? Like even just to say I am sick is rude now? What the actual heck....
Posted by Annoymous at 2024-04-16 18:21:56 UTC