Hi, I am in my early 30s, working in special education, love working with children on the spectrum and I got diagnosed at age 3 with Dyspraxia and this year with Autism and ADHD. Asperger’s Experts videos are awesome and seem to be right on the button with how being on the spectrum effects people and how it affects their relationship because of not enough tools and tips and resources. Being on the spectrum is not a one size fits all when it comes to learning social skills but you explained the way our brain works so well. The person who diagnosed me said I would have been diagnosed with Asperger’s if that was still a diagnosis but Autism and Asperger’s, though the two groups presents their strengths and areas they need help and strategies in differently, I feel like both diagnosis’s have some key core attributes. Anyway I just rambled, I do that a lot lol ☺️. Thanks for having me in your group.

Posted by LunaLumos at 2022-07-02 04:38:41 UTC