Hi, just joined. We have a non-diagnosed 19yr old, who gained a Level 3 qualification in July '21 but is struggling to make the transition to work, has become nocturnal and gaming 12 or more hrs a day, eats one non nutritious meal a day plus snacks, skinny and pale. No helping at home. Has applied, with lots of help, for a police apprenticeship. He wants to do it but is anxious about the whole thing, has missed out on work experience due to school refusing, nothing on his CV, police online assessments begin on 2nd March. We are all anxious about it. Hubby struggling to understand him. It's exhausting. He has so many strengths but so disabled by his anxieties. My parenting style has changed so much but now wondering if I have backed off too much.

Posted by jackiestopp at 2022-02-07 06:53:17 UTC