Hello! Just purchased Freedom from Defense Mode and already through part I, starting part II. Our son is 19...diagnosed with ADHD and then, later, with ASD. Just graduated from high school (thank God!) and taking some classes at trade school- goldsmith school. Overall, he is a happy guy and wants to become a bench jeweler and design jewelry. Long story short, he LOVES jewelery and always wants to buy (expensive) jewelery. This was ok when he was working,and saving some, but he hasn't worked in a year and although he has applied to some jobs, nothing has worked out yet. My question is this....is the fact that he wants to buy more jewelery every few months a sign that he is in defense mode? Is he looking for approval by wearing a lot of gold necklaces? He is almost out of $ and he doesn't take "No" very well...just continues to argue and argue. He needs to focus on other things...getting his license, getting a job, helping out around the house. To me, it seems he is bored, (no friends) and hanging out with me all the time; it's wearing me down, although we really do enjoy our time together. My husband and he butt heads a lot over this and it's caused a lot of strife in our marriage. Thanks for your thoughts...

Posted by Lovecats at 2022-06-30 13:22:56 UTC