I have a 14-year-old who was diagnosed with Aspergers early in life... we have had him in therapies and counseling since his diagnosis because he's had problems with anger/anxiety/meltdowns all his life. I keep trying to give him chances and allow him to prove he can be responsible, but every time he gets any kind of electronic device (he often finds them and steals/hides old ones), he fills it with pornography. While I know he is a teen boy, and hormones are normal, I am so frustrated with finding this everywhere. he will also lie and steal snacks from his siblings (we have not ever had any lack of food problems, thankfully, he just does this). We will be starting family therapy whenever his case manager is able to get it set up but has anyone else experienced this? I feel so lost and alone. My husband is fine taking everything from him all the time, but I feel like there HAS to be a solution other than just not allowing him to have anything....

Posted by jessbeers1887 at 2022-06-21 22:26:41 UTC