I am very grateful to know this community exists. I am running out of ideas (and energy) to help support my 9 year old (just diagnosed Level 1 in January). She is in full-blown shutdown (also since Jan). No school. Constant and severe anxiety. New phobias emerging all the time. The anxiety behaviors, phobias and restrictions have completely shut down our family. In addition to autism she has diagnoses of Developmental Dyspraxia, ADHD, and SPD, as well as generalized anxiety disorder. We believe she also has PANDAS as the psychiatric issues all worsened significantly after a viral illness late last year. She has no life. She is afraid of everything. She has always been autistic, but the last six months she has been unrecognizable. I miss my daughter. I’m wondering how we’re all going to survive this. What kind of therapies do you recommend?

Posted by sophiegoss at 2022-06-15 05:11:07 UTC