Seeking advice for my son, who often experiences chronic boredom and has limited interests. What can I do to help with his intense boredom? This, boredom coupled with his depression, happens daily. I've tried numerous activities to engage him, including movies, games, a new puppy, a pet rabbit, reading, walks, bike rides, art, computer games, and socializing with friends. Despite these efforts, he usually declines 90% of the time. Even when family members like aunts, uncles, and cousins come over and offer various activities like museum visits, dining out, or any game of his choice, he tends to say "no". Yet, he feels sad when they leave, upset no one could think of an activity for him to participate in that he’d enjoy. After an afternoon of trying to think of activities we usually default to walking around car dealerships, his preferred interest. Or he falls deeper into a depression and stops communicating for 24hrs. On a side note he is being treated for depression but medication & therapy feel ineffective most days.

Posted by casey.sussman at 2023-12-26 23:15:35 UTC