As a high functioning adult with Aspergers and ADHD, I reflected on an unfortunate situation from the past year. I'm in a transition period and crossroads of my life. I was in the wrong career and want to choose to follow God's will for my life in a new career. I'm in the process of letting go of my past. In the recent past, I received an involuntary commitment order and forced psychiatric medication over the course of two months approximately. I would have been grateful for an independent advocate during my stay. I might not have communicated assertively and effectively partially due to my neuro developmental disabilities (high functioning autism, adhd) leading to delayed growth in certain areas such as social emotional learning. I feel that the mental health system failed me because I was ineffectively treated for my mental health conditions (anxiety, depression). As a result, I'm motived to figure out how to recover naturally from three psychiatric medications since I was unsure how to safely taper or withdraw from them at the time. In all cases, the psychiatrists insisted that I needed the medications for long-term support and would not provide information on psychiatric drug withdrawal. I'm connecting with holistic psychiatrists such as Dr. Daniel Amen, Dr. Peter Breggin and Dr. Kelly Brogan searching for natural herbs and supplements to replace the medications. I'm slowly learning and exploring some of the solutions that I need to improve my skills as an adult. I appreciated the care I received at the time of my stay. As I reflect, I had skill deficiencies (assertive communication skills, social skills, relationship skills, emotional regulation, etc) creating more issues during my hospital stay and negatively affecting the relationship dynamics with my parents, I think. Any suggestions are welcome and appreciated. Thank you.

Posted by jlbyers76 at 2023-12-26 18:45:04 UTC