My son is 13. Diagnosis include anxiety, ADHD, and autism spectrum. He is now physically bigger than me, height, weight, strength. Recently he's started blocking me from coming out of the bathroom when he's disregulated and upset. He's punched holes in 2 doors and thrown his phone through the drywall in 2 areas. He put about 12 bb holes through our neighbors glass window with a slingshot. We've kept repairing everything, agreed to pay for our neighbors window so he wouldn't press charges. He's spewed the most hateful things at me for years when he's upset. We've always been able to get past it. I work to create and enjoy positive moments together over and over to "build up that bank account" but what do I do when he keeps making withdrawals and I just don't have it in me to keep forgiving and trying to create the positive interactions? I'm starting to wonder of protecting him from consequences with the police is helpful or harmful? Do we let them press charges when things happen? Do I call the police when he's holding me hostage in the bathroom? Will that ultimately help him learn or will it deteriorate his trust further? I just don't know what to do.
Posted by thestubblerfamily at 2023-12-26 15:57:22 UTC