Just venting! Looking for some support. The past several weeks, my son has been fixated on his phone (which is old and breaking down a bit) and the fact that his 2-factor authentication might go away. He refuses to back anything up to the cloud-he thinks that scammers or others will somehow compromise his privacy. It took over an HOUR but got him to finally admit there IS a solution but he refuses to do it (not have that 2 factor) All of his passwords are over 20 characters. I have a daughter also but my son and I have a different kind of bond. If he feels it-I feel it, and this past couple of weeks have been draining. It's been phone worries all day, every day. I have a part time consulting job and a business, so needless to say I am TIRED. Yet, if he struggles, I feel it in my soul. I know that's a bit dramatic for a son who is 6'2 with a full beard lol. Maybe some boy mamas would get this. Send thoughts and good vibes as we head to the phone store this week. He will have to go and engage-not his strong suit.

Posted by lisawarden0802 at 2023-12-12 14:17:59 UTC