Imagination; is finding imagination hard an aspie thing? Other son (11) has been asked to design a fairy tale potion and describe his 3 wishes for school work and we are dealing with tears and tantrums and 'I don't understand! I don't know what to do!' screaming meltdowns. He will happily spend hours running up and down the garden imagining Godzilla movies but he says he can't imagine something when he's told to ... We've asked him what magical power he'd like, or if he could do anything what would he do, and all we've got so far is 'to control everything on the earth '. He gets so confused and upset with these things then feels really ashamed when he gets told off by his English teacher for having done so little work. It's one of those things that makes me think we may have another aspie in the house...
Posted by UKmum at 2023-12-02 15:24:00 UTC