Just looking for support and understanding. My son (21) has such severe anxiety and he wants to get out but feels trapped. He was all ready to go to Thanksgiving, but at the last minute freaked out, started getting very emotional. I know my son, we have a very good relationship. He trusts me implicitly, but right now I am his only resource. If I had a $1 every time someone said "what if something happens to you?" Well WTF. I could tell his fear was real and it was sincere. My husband, on the other hand felt like he "had my number" which makes things harder on me. It was tough. As I am doing my research, I am recalling things when my son was little-when I'd pick him up from daycare, he'd just be laying on his side, rolling cars and looking at them. He could not stand certain things like loud noises, high ceilings, no eye contact. I feel like I failed him, and now he's 21. He actually went to school and did ok up to Junior year-and then things began to truly decline. He barely leaves the house. He gets scared to just go bring the garbage cans out. I just purchased the Accountability plan. I hope I am not the only one with this type of experience. Thanks for allowing me to vent!

Posted by lisawarden0802 at 2023-12-02 14:46:48 UTC