Hi, my name is Carla and my son is 33. It's impossible to find worthwhile, trusted services once they age out of school and after one year of college the supports were not there, he was so disappointed and overwhelmed he walked away, but never forgot that he didn't achieve what he wanted. It's really heartbreaking because people don't understand how overwhelming the world and life is for them. They are very misjudged. Their world shrinks after highschool and there's nothing offered when you fall into the "gray area", and when he recognizes he doesn't fit, he decides he's not going. At his age, he doesn't want to hang out with his mom anymore! But the world is concerning to say the least, so where can he go and what are we supposed to do? So, the relationship suffers as he vegs out and stares at screens more and more. I'm so excited that I stumbled on this! This sounds perfect and I was afraid at his age we were out of options. It's great to feel hopeful! I just need to understand the way the classes work and the hours/scheduling, etc. if I can get a breakdown of that I'm very literal and I need to visually see it written down so we both benefit from the program in the correct order!

Posted by carlapiccarreto at 2023-12-02 03:27:51 UTC