Am sitting outside my son's counselling session feeling battered and bruised from the conversation we had in the car on the way here. Knowing full well that we're spending money we don't have for him to go in there and not address the things that he needs to deal with. His younger brother has a friend round at home. He was demanding I ban him from having anyone round as it's his safe space and it's not fair when he doesn't have any friends himself. I suggested he discussed this in the session as it's more about how he can learn ways to deal with these situations rather than me imposing restrictions on his brother's life. Big eruption, it's not fair, no one wants to spend time with him, even we don't etc etc. We're always trying to find something that coaxes him out of his room or where he welcomes us into his world, I go out of my way to be there for him whilst providing clear expectations of what he can be doing for himself. But have just had the metaphorical and physical door slammed in my face. Oh how I long for my own 121 with a therapist to process my own emotions ...

Posted by UKmum at 2023-10-23 16:18:16 UTC