My son and I went to the concert on October 12. The concert was held at the YouTube Theater in Inglewood. Lucky us; they had a SENSORY ROOM. They also had an ADA line for us to go through. Getting out of the car and into a line and then moving to the ADA line was not easy and he was latched onto me so tight. A security person saw us and told us to go through the line and he would meet us on the other side and escort us to guest services. From there we were escorted to the sensory room. HE was so happy to be in that room. You could adjust the lights, there were lots of bean bag chairs, a huge square comprised of 1-inch squares with different textures. Once we both relaxed then it was my turn to deal with feelings. We were so close to being in our seats I wondered how long we were going to sit in the sensory room. He asked what time it was and told me to give him 15 more minutes. We went to our seats and after the second act, he was willing to let me go to the restroom, and he would text me if he felt uncomfortable. This worked out well because there were mostly men (75%) at this concert, so it didn't take me long. He ended up wearing earplugs plus headphones. We brought water, hi-chews, a squishy pig (handheld size), fidget cube and tissues. Once the music started, he was so happy to be there. It was a SUCCESS!

Posted by sarakal1 at 2023-10-23 02:18:54 UTC