Hello AE community! There’s a new Broadway show opening today called How to Dance in Ohio based on the documentary of the same name. It is a heart-filled new musical about seven autistic young adults preparing for a formal dance. The seven stars of the show are autistic and most of the crew are ND. While in preview for the next month two months they are offering select orchestra seats for $50 (usually priced at 3-4x that) just for the next few days. My daughter has been dying to see it so I just got tickets. And it’s such a great deal that I had to share. There is no discount code needed. When you search for dates and seats just hover over the seats for price and you’ll find the $50 seats. They are usually middle and rear orchestra. https://howtodanceinohiomusical.com/

Posted by jenrein73 at 2023-10-18 17:39:06 UTC