My daughter is 10 years old and having the most peculiar symptoms suddenly. I have no idea what to think and we need help! This is driving both of us crazy but mostly her of course as it's happening to her... My daughter has sensory disorder, Asperger's, ADHD. Recently her toes are getting burning hot, mostly just on one foot.. she finds herself flexing her toes all the time which then causes friction and causes more heat and is a vicious, vicious cycle. Along with this crazy new symptom, she feels like there's something always in her ears - The slightest tickle from a hair sets her off but this is mostly in the morning and seems much less at night... she will want to beat her head, rip her ears off, smacks herself and her feet. Stomps, kicks -- she's trying anything to get relief but in the meantime she feels like she should be able to manage all over this, like it should be nothing and she should be able to get over it, she has such high expectations of herself and no patience... I feel so awful for her! I will try anything I can to help her.... She blames herself and says she ought to know how to handle herself and she apologizes constantly.. I keep telling her this is not her fault! Is absolutely normal that when a person is highly emotional or triggered that we can't make any decisions, we don't know what to do with ourselves, that's why we pause and we learn to breathe... But so many times there's nothing I can do for her. Does anyone have any ideas? Have you ever dealt with something like this? I don't know what to do anymore and I'm feeling very very desperate for both of us....

Posted by Champion1818 at 2023-10-09 23:41:29 UTC