Hi, just joined! A bit about us, since it seems most here will relate... My daughter is a senior in high school. It's been an uphill battle since 4-year-old kindergarten, but especially since 1st grade. She was surprisingly diagnosed on the spectrum at the end of 5th grade, adding to her ADHD, Anxiety, and Dysgraphia diagnoses. She goes to Occupational Therapy weekly outside of school, and she has a psychologist and a psychiatrist to help her manage emotions and medications. This is her last year of school, and we are still fighting to keep her from burning out and refusing to do anything for months. It's happened several times over the years, and we're learning that her biggest triggers are: masking too long, having unsupportive or strict teachers, time limits, and being forced to do schoolwork in ways that don't work for her. Things that help her overcome her struggles are: snuggle time, weighted blankets, hammocks, books/audiobooks, food (working on that one), anything Harry Potter, naps, and video games. I have an IEP meeting coming up, and because the school is usually difficult to work with (I usually cry at these meetings out of frustration because they don't understand), I'm bringing my dad (he's helped her with school her whole life) and our mentor through the Autism Society. I found this group in my search to gather resources to fight for my daughter's educational needs. I just purchased the book bundle 7 Easy Ways To Motivate Someone With Asperger's, and I'm excited to listen to it. I'm sure that we have all contributed to my daughter shutting down, and I want to change that so she can have the best support we can give her. Grateful that groups like this are becoming accessible these days! There is such a need for support and awareness for these wonderful people on the spectrum. Thank you!

Posted by AquaZumbaMomma at 2023-10-05 11:35:57 UTC