Hi, I’m new here. I am an older mom of an 18 yr. old son that was diagnosed ASD when he was 12. He had difficulty with social settings and sensory issues, but did well in school ( without enjoying it) . He obtained his drivers license at 16 and began driving to school his junior year. Half way through he became I’ll with what we first thought was ulcers . That quickly progressed to panic attacks and he finished his high school on line. He only leaves our home now to take a walk with me. He is scared if my husband and I leave the home. He sees a psychiatrist on line and also a counselor. This has been 2 years with him in the max dose of Lexapro and he also takes propranolol and ceproheptadine which he was originally put on 2yrs ago to stimulate his appetite. He is terrified of the panic attacks , but nothing conventional has helped. He is a very respectful young man that never had meltdowns but has always shut down when overwhelmed. Never anything like the last 2 yr. Though where his life has totally been controlled by the fear of the next attack. He is not improving and I am hoping and praying we can find some help here. Thanks for listening.❤️

Posted by clmazza at 2023-10-01 14:32:35 UTC