My 17 year old has been saying he wants a summer job. I told him gently he should hurry up as time is passing. His coach has sent him some links to job sites and offered help. He said he needs to discuss with me. So I’ve been reminding him many days in advance that I have the next 3 days free (long weekend in Canada) to discuss with him and help him plan. During the week I’m working and weeknights are busy. I’ve asked him many times to let me know when he is ready to talk. He keeps putting it off. I’ve told him he doesn’t absolutely need to get a job and that he looked very stressed. He can look into volunteering instead. He keeps saying he does want a job, he’s 17 and should have a job. Unfortunately it looks like he’ll put off the discussion again and again, it won’t happen and he’ll feel bad about himself. His self esteem is already very low after problems at school. Not sure what I can do to help !

Posted by Eve at 2022-05-21 17:51:20 UTC