GM. I'm at my wits end. I've shared my story on my 25 year old son who is literally alone except for me. He has no trust in me & I am the only person he communicates with. His father has been out his life since age 18 & I have a large extended family but they literally make no effort to connect with him they leave it up to him to reach out. He has tried some dating apps which cause more anxiety due being scammed or not knowing a social app like whatsapp. He has given up all hope which leaves lost on how to help. He's so tired of me which I can't blame him. Does anyone know of how I can get a connection started & they will reach out to him first. I'm really scared he will have a very severe aggressive meltdown and any progress can be lost. Is this an issue with anyone please comment! Thanks

Posted by martincictheresa at 2023-08-22 13:49:12 UTC