My 33 yo son had a major autism burnout about 2 years ago, and though he can still run his own one-person business enough to live on his own and have plenty of money in the bank, he now spends most of his time writing and finding patterns of pi. He has always been a numbers person and, through his studies of the I Ching, numerology and the Bible, to name a few, he is finding great help and healing through these patterns. Your video on the importance of first addressing the Sensory needs of someone with Aspergers explained a lot to me because he constantly talks about how these patterns are "healing" him - taking away the pain and helping him feel less defensive. They have also helped with his ability to be aware of himself in relation to the world around him. (Of course, since they are helping him he believes the patterns and his discoveries can help others as well, which is a whole other thing!) I would appreciate anyone's thoughts on his approach to self-healing; if you had a similar or relatable methodology and how you moved forward to be able to grow social skills. Thank you and so appreciate your work!

Posted by mcentrella7 at 2023-07-13 20:01:24 UTC