I am going to try to keep this relatively short, although I have multiple concerns and not sure where to start. I have a 38yo daughter diagnosed with high-functioning Asperger's when she was around 20ish. She denied it for several years, but eventually accepted it. She is on the Adult Autism Waiver in our state (PA) but services have been few & far between. She works full time and has been at the same dead-end job for 10 years. About 5 years ago she was hospitalized with acute metabolic ketoacidosis No specific reason for this has been determined. She is followed by an endochronoligist and a nephrologist, but has been hospitalized at least 1x a year. It seems that hydration, or lack thereof, can trigger an episode and she is on several vitamins, sodium bicarbonate, etc. Stress also can trigger it. Problem: (a) Her father died in Dec. from ALS. He was in a facility, on a ventilator for the past 5 years. (b) Her mentor, advocate, and supervisor is leaving the company in a week. It is a small company and she is very stressed as to what this will mean for her. (c) She is VERY bad at taking her meds and lately she has not been eating enough. HOW DO I GET THROUGH TO HER?? She lives with me and the thought of her being hospitalized (or worse) is too overwhelming for me to handle. HELP!

Posted by mewaters2014@gmail.com at 2023-06-24 21:08:23 UTC