I found you! I was a part of the community on Facebook, but must have had my head buried in the sand since I totally missed the transition to this platform. My 17-year-old son is struggling with depression, anxiety, and making/keeping friends. Right now, he's in an intensive outpatient program for severe depression. He says that he doesn't want to live because he doesn't have IRL friends. Part of the issue is that he got his GED at 16 and hasn't had the high school experience where one would typically have access to social activities with peers. He's discovered the Yubo app and thinks that he's forming relationships with people, but I'm not so sure. It feels like Tinder for teens and frankly makes me a little uncomfortable. Are there others in the Portland, Oregon area who have found venues for teens to make friends IRL? A lot of groups have moved online or paused over the last 2 years, so it's been difficult to find something. Anything would be helpful! Thx a bunch! Lisa

Posted by lisaaa1970 at 2022-05-04 19:30:11 UTC