It is amazing that even when public schools have licensed mental health professionals on staff to work with kids they don't get it. I have been telling them my son is in Defense Mode, depressed, anxious etc.. and so they decide that in order to get him to accomplish his school work for senior year they will allow him to go to prom if he does X and if he doesn't then he can't go. If he does X, he can participate in senior activities and if he doesn't then he can't. Well that blew up as now he feels he even less motivated. Can't go to prom because he didn't hit the milestones and feels even more like an idiot around his peers so now is fully isolating. Says he could care less about senior activities. I know deep down that isn't true and he knows he screwed up but now he is totally unmotivated and he has only 3 electives left to graduate. Pushing through this and have tried all the tactics to get him out of Defense Mode but he is just stuck and likely will need forced intervention to get help..uurghh

Posted by mxasmith at 2023-05-22 23:52:55 UTC