Our 21 yo son began smoking marijuana over the past year. He is not employed & has been on & off depressed, all a cyclical situation of cause & effect. He is currently “living” with friends in the city & loves the freedom of no rules (I.e., he’s not allowed to smoke here at home). When he left to stay w/ the couple to help w/ their baby we thought it might be good for him to be responsible. We were wrong. He’s not doing any laundry, so his clothes are filthy & smell. But more importantly, he’s smoking all the time. He knows we don’t approve because he does not know how to moderate himself (we are not against smoking it in general) yet talks about it all the time & just did it while FaceTiming me. We’re concerned. Rather than this being a good break for us to learn more about Defense Mode & how to properly motivate him it is really just more time for him to not progress & further his bad habits. Thoughts?

Posted by robin1 at 2023-05-06 00:07:20 UTC