Really need some advise on where to go. my son was not diagnosed on the spectrum till 16.5 (now 18). It was the 3rd hospitalization for attempted suicide where the psychiatrist who specializes in autism gave him the official diagnosis. But here is the problem- We are not getting any help, practitioners I have contacted all say he was too old to serve. He has been in an alternative school for the last 2 years and barely getting through. He has been discharged from the intense PHPIOP programs as insurance says he doesn't have a medical necessity, and he is spiraling. He has addiction behaviors that are getting out of control (Sugar, Energy drinks, stealing, sex, lying, vaping, stealing pills) and interrupting his ability to function. Now he is 18 its a different ball game to get help. I have been advised to look into residential treatments for the addiction issues but are there any for the neurodiverse?

Posted by jacquewolfgang at 2023-05-05 13:11:18 UTC